Saturday 9 February 2013

Before & after pics, my personal 12 Week challenge

my 12 week challenge
started 12 Nov 2012 to 4 Feb 2013.

lost 3 kilos
lost in CM
  • bust - 5 cm gone ( have cut down on breastfeeding also )
  • under bust - 1 cm gone
  • waist - 5 cm gone
  • abdomen - 3 cm gone 
  • hips - 3 cm gone
  • thighs at top- - 3 cm gone each thigh
  • thighs at fingertip height - 3 cm gone each thigh
  • arms - 1 cm gone. flabby bat wing bit 
total cm's lost in 12 weeks = 31 cm gone

Saturday 17 November 2012

Sometimes it feels like we need to be Wonder Woman to have it all......
Kids, Looking Good, feeling happy... and the list goes on.....


and we can do it all we need is a lot of hard work .....

My 12 week challenge Goals

My 12 Week Challenge Nov 2012- Feb 2013

Monday 26 March 2012

  • this make a HUGE Lasagne !!           by the way this is gluten free recipe
basic bolognese recipe -
  • 1 kg  mince - dont get the crappy stuff thats full of fat
  • 1 large tin tomato soup
  • 1 tin crushed tomato
  • 3 tablespoons to tomato paste
  • 1 tbl sp oregano
  • 1 tble sp basil
  • 1 tbl spoon sweet chilli sauce
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 tbl spoon veggie stock
veggies to add                      I usually add about 50 % veggies to 50 % meat
using a blender to blend all the veggies so FUSSY kids cant pick them out !!
  • carrots x 3
  • sweet potato 3/4 cup
  • caulifower 3/4 cup
  • zuccini x 1
  • mushroom x 3 or 4
  • capsicum x 1/4 average size
  • 2 x onion
  • 1 x tablesppon garlic crushed
  • whatever other leftover veggies you've got in the fridge to make up the quantity as long as they are all blended !
  • sometimes I add a tin of lentils also
i just throw all of the above ingredients into the fry pan . cooking the meat first though then leave to simmer while I do the rest of it

cheese sauce-
  • 60 g butter
  • 60 ml canola oil
  • 4 tablespoons rice flour
  • 500 ml soy milk
  • 500 ml normal milk
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 1 cup cheese - grated
  • 1 tbl spoon cornflour - may need more
lasagne sheets- gluten free. if you do not want this to be gluten free i also have used wholemeal lasagne sheets
cheese sauce recipe
  1. melt the butter and oil together in a pot then add the rice flour and stir til gluggy looking
  2. slowly add the milk together, stirring constantly so it doesnt get lumpy with whisk
  3. add salt, pepper & garlic
  4. stir together
  5. mix the cornflor with a little water in a cup and add to the warm mix and continue stirring until thinkens up
  6. then add the cheese
  7. you can also add some parmasen cheese also to taste
  • using gluten free lasage sheets
  • spoon some of the cheese sauce on the bottom of your lasage tray- use a large tray or 2 smaler ones
  • then add the lasagne pasta sheets covering the bottom
  • layer some of the bolognese sauce
  • layer some of the cheese sauce
  • layersome more of the lasage pasta sheets
  • continue until you reach the top of the tray making sure to finish with the cheese sauce at top
  • cover the top of lasage with greated cheese and some parmasen cheese
cooking lasagne
depending on if you have done one lareg or 2 small lasagnes i usually cook until it looks l=nice and golden on the top finishing off under the griller for a nice grilled cheese affect on top .
usually about 1 hour on 180 celcius
turn if you do not have an forced oven half way
wait for it to cool a little before serving